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Clubfoot Story​  「你講,我聽

"Clubfoot Story" is a community project which involves the clubfoot family to share their unique  journey. We know it is never easy for us forgetting the ordeals and sleepless nightmare. Also we are always in a dilemma that "to wear or not to wear the boots?" This frustrating affliction would be an unforgettable memories in your clubfoot story. We would like to hear  more from you. 

你講,我聽!」是一個社區參與計劃。計劃希望擁有馬蹄足小朋友的家庭可以分享治療馬蹄足上有血有肉的生活點滴。 那些不能成眠極度無助的晚上,你還記得嗎?這些哭笑難分的經歷會是你和小寶寶珍貴回憶。希望你的故事可以支持其他的患者家庭。我們期待你獨一無二的分享。

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